Prof. Michele Pathé



Prof. Michele Pathé was previously a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist with  Community Forensic Mental Health Services in Victoria and Queensland, Australia, Professor at Swinburne University of Technology and Adjunct Professor at the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. She was formerly the Director of Threat Management, a clinic in Melbourne, Australia, for victims of stalking and related crimes. She was instrumental in establishing the Queensland and Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centres and has played a key role in developing Australia’s policy responses to lone actor grievance-fuelled  violence.

Dr Pathé has authored or co-authored over 50 scientific papers, 10 book chapters and three books, on the subjects of stalking, sexual deviance, threat assessment, and lone actor grievance-fuelled violence. In particular, she is the author of Surviving Stalking, an acclaimed guide for victims of stalking, and she co-authored the pivotal text Stalkers and their Victims, which won the American Psychiatric Association’s Manfred S. Guttmacher award in 2001 for an outstanding contribution to the literature on forensic psychiatry. The second edition of Stalkers and their Victims was highly commended in the 2009 British Medical Association Writer’s Prize. Together with Professor Paul Mullen, Dr Pathé developed the functional typology of stalkers, which has been endorsed by the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (Pinals, 2007). Since 2003, Dr Pathé has been a member of the Fixated Research Group, which is an international group researching threats and harassment of public figures, with a primary focus on individuals who fixate upon members of the British Royal Family.

 Dr Pathé has no financial interest in StalkInc. Pty Ltd or the Stalking Risk Profile.



Mullen PE, Pathé M, Purcell R. (2009) Stalkers and their Victims (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.

MacKenzie RD, McEwan TE, Pathé MT, James DV, Ogloff JR, Mullen PE. (2009) Stalking Risk Profile: Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Stalkers. StalkInc, Pty Ltd. & Monash University; Melb, Australia.

Pathé M. (2002) Surviving Stalking. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, Purcell R. (2000) Stalkers and their Victims. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


Book Chapters

Pathé M. Sex offenders. In Monash University: Subject Guide for Graduate Diploma in Forensic Medicine: Adult Sexual Assault 2000, pp 271-282.

Pathé M, Mullen PE. The victim of stalking. In Boon J, Sheridan L (Eds.) Stalking and Psychosexual Obsession: Psychological Perspectives for Prevention, Policing and Treatment. John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Purcell R, Pathé M, Mullen PE. Classifications of stalkers. In Brewster MP (Ed.) Stalking Victims and Offenders. New York: Civic Research Institute, 2003.

Pathé M, Mullen PE, Purcell R, & MacKenzie R. The victims of stalking. In Galeazzi G (Eds) La sindrome delle molestie assillanti (stalking). Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 2003.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, Purcell R, & MacKenzie R. Lo stalker: creazione di una nuova categoria dip aura, di reato e di studio. In Galeazzi G (Eds) La sindrome delle molestie assillanti (stalking). Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 2003.

Purcell R, Pathé M, Mullen PE, MacKenzie R. La diffusione e la natura dello stalking nella popolazione generale. In Galeazzi G (Eds) La sindrome delle molestie assillanti (stalking). Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 2003.

MacKenzie R, Mullen PE, Pathé M, & Purcell R. I comportamenti di molestie. In Galeazzi G (Eds) La sindrome delle molestie assillanti (stalking). Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 2003.

Mullen PE, James DV, Meloy JR, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Preston L, Darnley B. The role of psychotic illness in attacks on public figures. In Meloy JR, Sheridan L, Hoffman J (Eds) Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Pathé M. & Mullen PE. (1993). Medical victims of pathological love- the hippocratic curse? Medical Journal of Australia, 159, 632-632.

Pathé M.T. & Mullen, P.E. (1993). The dangerousness of the DSM-III-R . Journal of Law and Medicine, 1(1),47-51.

Mullen PE, Pathé M. (1994). Stalking and the pathologies of love. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 28, 469-477.

Mullen PE, Pathé M. (1994). The pathological extensions of love. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 614-623.

Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (1997). The impact of stalkers on their victims. British Journal of Psychiatry, 170, 12-17.

Pathé M, Mullen PE, & Purcell R. Stalking: false claims of victimisation. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 170-173.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, Purcell R, & Stuart G. Study of stalkers. (1999). American Journal of Psychiatry, 156:1244-1249.

Pathé M, Mullen PE, & Purcell R. (2000). Same-gender stalkers. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 28, 191-197.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, & Purcell R. Stalking. (2000). The Psychologist, 13(9), 454-459.

Ward T, Nathan P, Drake CR, Lee JKP, & Pathé M. (2000). The role of formulation-based treatment for sexual offenders. Behaviour Change, 17(4), 251-264.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, & Purcell R. (2001) Stalking: New constructions of human behaviour. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, 9-16.

Mullen PE, & Pathé M. Stalkers and their victims. Psychiatric Times, April 2001;XVIII(4):43-46.

Mullen PE, & Pathé M. Stalking. Crime and Justice- A Review of Research, 2002; 29:273-318.

Pathé M. (2001). How to treat stalking. Australian Doctor, (Supplement) April 27, I-VIII.

Mullen PE, Pathé M, & Purcell R. (2001).The management of stalkers. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 7(5):335-342.

Pathé M, Purcell R, & Mullen PE. (2001).The management of victims of stalking. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 7(6):399-406.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2002). The prevalence and nature of stalking in the Australian community. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,36, 114-120.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2001). A study of women who stalk. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158:2056-2060.

Pathé M, Mullen PE, & Purcell R. (2002). Patients who stalk doctors: their motives and management. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(7):335-338.

Drake C, & Pathé M. (2004). Understanding sexual offending in schizophrenia. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 14(2):108-120.

Pathé, M, MacKenzie R., & Mullen PE. (2004). Stalking by law: damaging victims and rewarding offenders. Journal of Law and Medicine,12(1):103-111.

Meloy JR, James DV, Farnham FR, Mullen PE, Pathé M, Darnley B, & Preston L. (2004). A research review of public figure threats, approaches, attacks, and assassinations in the United States. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49:1086-1093.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2004). Editorial: When do repeated intrusions become stalking? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology,;15(4):571-583.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2004). Stalking: Defining and prosecuting a new category of offending. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 27(2);157-169.

Sullivan DH, Mullen PE, & Pathé MT. (2005). Current issues in the treatment of sexual offenders. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(6);318-320.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2005). Association between stalking victimisation and psychiatric morbidity in a random community sample. British Journal of Psychiatry, 187:416-20.

Mullen PE, , MacKenzie R, Ogloff J., Pathé M, McEwan T, & Purcell R. (2006). Assessing and managing the risks in the stalking situation. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 2006;34(4):439-50.

James DV, Mullen PE, Meloy JR, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Preston L, & Darnley B. (2007). The role of mental disorder in attacks on European politicians 1990-2004. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 116:334-44.

James DV, Mullen PE, Meloy JR, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Preston L, & Darnley B. (2008). Attacks on the British Royal Family: the role of psychotic illness. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 36:59-67.

Thomas S, Purcell R, Pathé MT, & Mullen PE. (2008). Harm associated with stalking victimisation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42:800-806.

Mullen PE, James DV, Pathé M, Meloy JR, Farnham FR, Preston L, Darnley B, & Berman J. (2009). The fixated and the pursuit of public figures. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 2009;20:33-47.

James DV, Mullen PE, Pathé M, Meloy JR, Farnham FR, Preston L, & Darnley B. (2009). Stalkers and harassers of Royalty: the role of mental illness and motivation. Psychological Medicine, 39:1479-90.

Purcell R, Pathé M, & Mullen PE. (2010). Gender differences in stalking behaviour among juveniles. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 2010: DOI: 10. 1080/14789940903572035

James DV, Mullen PE, Pathé MT, Meloy JR, Farnham FR, Preston LF,& Darnley B. (2010).

Stalkers and harassers of Royalty: an exploration of proxy behaviours for violence. Behavioral Sciences and the Law: DOI: 10.1002/bsl.922

James DV, Meloy JR, Mullen PE, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Preston LF, Darnley BJ. (2010). Abnormal attentions towards the British Royal Family: factors associated with approach and escalation. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 38: 329-40.

Meloy JR, James DV, Mullen PE, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Darnley B, Preston LF. (2011). Factors associated with escalation and problematic approaches toward public figures. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 56 (1), 128–135.

James, D.V., McEwan, T.E., MacKenzie, R.D., Meloy, J.R., Mullen, P.E., et al. (2010). Persistence in stalking: A comparison of associations in general forensic and public figure samples. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 21, 283-305.

McEwan, T., Pathé M., Ogloff, J. R. P. (2011). Advances in Stalking Risk Assessment Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 29, 180-201.



In Meloy JR. The Scientific Pursuit of Stalking. San Diego, CA: Specialized Training Services, 2006.

Government Reports

Fixated Research Group (James DV, Mullen PE, Meloy JR, Pathé MT, Farnham FR, Preston L, Darnley B). Inappropriate Communications, Approaches, and Attacks on the British Royal Family, with Additional Consideration of Attacks on Politicians. London: Home Office, 2006.