Dr David James



Dr David James is a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist in London and former Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychiatry at University College London. His research interests have included new mechanisms for diverting the mentally ill from the criminal justice system, and stalking and harassment. He is the author or co-author of 50 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and a number of book chapters, including two in the current editions of the standard textbooks in general and forensic psychiatry. In 2003, Dr James established the Fixated Research Group, which is an international group researching threats and harassment of public figures, with a primary focus on individuals who fixate upon members of the British Royal Family.

Dr James was previously the lead clinician at the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC), a specialist joint police-psychiatric unit for the assessment and management of cases involving the stalking, harassment or threatening of public figures in the United Kingdom. As a highly sought-after expert on the harassment of public figures, Dr James has been invited to advise international governments and organisations on the development of assessment and management services.




James, D V (1989) Medicine: English for Academic Purposes, Cassell, London. [A teaching package comprising two books and two audio cassettes]

MacKenzie, R.D., McEwan, T.E., Pathé, M.T., James, D.V., Ogloff, J.R.P. & Mullen, P.E. (2009) The Stalking Risk Profile: guidelines for the assessment and management of stalkers. Melbourne: StalkInc. & Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science, Monash University.

Book Chapters

Montgomery S.A, James D, Montgomery D.B (1987) Pharmacological specificity is not the same as clinical selectivity. In Clinical Pharmacology in Psychiatry, Eds. Dahl, Gram, Paul, Potter. Springer Verlag: Berlin.

James, D.V. (2002) Compulsory admission and involuntary treatment in the United Kingdom. In: Compulsory Admission and Involuntary Treatment of Mentally Ill Patients – Legislation and Practice in EU-Member States. Mannheim: Zentralinstitut fűr Seelische Gesundheit.

James, D.V. (2005) Concepts and Procedures in the Member States. In H.J. Salize and H. Dressing (eds), Placement and Treatment of Mentally Disordered Offenders – Legislation and Practice in the European Union. Lengerich: Pabst.

James, D.V. & Farnham, F.R. (2005) Stalkers and Violence. In Modena Group on Stalking, Female Victims of Stalking – Recognition and intervention models: a European Study. Franco Angeli: Milan.

James, D.V. & Farnham, F.R. (2006). Stalking und Gewalt. In J. Hoffman & H-G. W. Voβ (eds.) Psychologie des Stalking. Frankfurt: Lorei.

Mullen, P.E., James, D.V., Meloy, J.R., Pathé, M.T., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L., Darnley, B. (2008) The Role of Psychotic Illness in Attacks on Public Figures. In J.R. Meloy (ed.): Stalking, Threatening and Attacking Public Figures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

James, D.V. (2009) Fraud, deception and thieves. In M. Gelder & N. Andreasen (eds) New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

James, D.V. (2009) Concepts and procedures concerning mental disorder in prisons in England and Wales. In H.J. Salize & H. Dreβing (eds.) Mentally Disordered Persons in European Prison Systems: Needs, Programmes and Outcomes. Lengerich: Pabst.

James, D.V. & Warren, L. (in press) Threat and threats: assessment and management. In J. Gunn & P. Taylor (eds.) Forensic Psychiatry (2nd ed.). London: Hodder Arnold.


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Montgomery S A, Gabriel R, James D, Hawley C, Birkett P (1989): Hypersensitivity to zimelidine without cross-reactivity to fluoxetine. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 4, 113-9.

Montgomery S A, Gabriel R, James D, Hawley C, Birkett P (1989): The specificity of the zimelidine reaction. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 4, 19-23.

James D V, Fineberg N A, Shah A K, Priest R G (1990) An increase in violence on an acute psychiatric ward : a study of associated factors. British Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 846-852.

Hawley C J, James D V, Birkett P L, Baldwin D S, de Ruiter M D, Priest R G (1991) Suicidal ideation as a presenting complaint : associated diagnoses and characteristics in a casualty population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 232-238.

Shah A K, James D V, Fineberg N A (1991) Violence and the psychiatric inpatient. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 84[4], 305-9.

James D V, Hamilton L W (1991) The Clerkenwell scheme: assessing the efficacy of a psychiatric liaison scheme to a magistrates’ court, British Medical Journal, 303, 282-5.

James D V, Hamilton L W (1992) Setting up psychiatric liaison schemes to magistrates’ courts; problems and practicalities. Medicine, Science and the Law, 32, 167-76.

Cripps J, Duffield G, James D (1995) Bridging the gap in secure provision: evaluation of a new local combined locked forensic/intensive care unit. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 6(1), 77-91.

Cripps J, James D (1995) An insane way to behave? Sources of confusion in the application of the CP(I)A 1991. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 6(3), 606-16.

James, D.V., Cripps J., Gilluley P. & Harlow, P. (1997) Abolishing remands to prison for psychiatric reports? A new court-focused model of forensic psychiatry provision to central London. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 8(2): 390-405.

Farnham, F.R., Ritchie, C.W., James, D.V. & Kennedy, H.G. (1997) Pathology of Love. Lancet, 350: 710.

James, D.V. & Gilluley, P.L. (1997) Psychotic patients and patent applications. The mad scientist revisited? Psychiatric Bulletin, 21: 764-768.

James, D.V., Cripps, J. & Gray, N. (1998) What demands do those admitted from the criminal justice system make on psychiatric beds? Expanding local secure services as a development strategy. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 9: 74-102.

Farnham, F. & James, D.V. (1998) A chill wind blows. The Lancet, 352(suppl IV): 12.

James, D.V. & Schramm, M. (1998) “Multiple personality disorder” presenting to the English courts: a case study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 9(3): 615-628.

Gray, N.S., James, D.V., Pickup, G., Gilluley, P., Spence, S., Vidgen, A. & Morton, N. (1998) Neuropsychological deficits in autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia: an examination of three affected family members, one with psychosis. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 3(4): 259-268.

James, D.V. (1998) Multiple personality disorder in the courts: a review of the North American experience. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 9: 339-361.

James, D.V. & Gilluley, P.L. (1998) Patent applications and neurotic concerns: further explorations in the patent office. Psychiatric Bulletin, 22: 162-165.

James, D.V. (1999) Court diversion at ten years. Can it work? Does it work? Has it a future? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 10(3): 503-520.

James, D.V. & Gray, N.S. (1999) Elective combined ECT and clozapine therapy. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 14(2): 69-72.

James, D.V., Cripps, J. & Farnham, F. (1999) Homelessness and psychiatric admission rates through the criminal justice system. Lancet, 352: 1158.

James, D.V. (2000) Police station diversion schemes: role and efficacy in central London. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 11: 532-555.

Farnham, F. R. & James, D.V. (2000) Patients’ attitudes to psychiatric hospital admission. Lancet, 355:594.

James, D.V., Harlow, P. (2000) Increasing the power of psychiatric diversion at the magistrates’ court: evaluation of a new model of supra-district diversion centre. Medicine, Science & the Law, 40(1): 52-60.

Farnham, F.R., James, D.V., & Cantrell, P. (2000) Association between violence, psychosis and relationship to victim in stalkers. Lancet, 355:199.

James, D.V., Duffield, G., Blizard, R. & Hamilton, L.W. (2001) Fitness To Plead: a Prospective Study of the Inter-Relationships between Expert Opinion, Legal Criteria and Specific Symptomatology. Psychological Medicine, 31: 139-150.

Farnham, F.R. & James, D.V. (2001) “Dangerousness” and dangerous law. Lancet, 358: 1926.

James, D.V. & Farnham, F. (2002) Stalking and violence. Wissenschaft und Polizei, 4/2002; 26-34.

James, D.V. & Farnham, F. (2003) Stalking and serious violence. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 312: 432-9.

Meloy, J.R., James, D.V., Farnham, F.R., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M., Darnley, B. & Preston, L. (2004) A Research Review of Public Figure Threats, Approaches, Attacks, and Assassinations in the United States. Journal of Forensic Science, 49(5): 1086-1093.

Kamphuis, J.H., Galeazzi, G.M., De Fazio, L., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., Farnham, F., Groenen, A., James, D. & Vervaeke, G. (2005) Stalking – perceptions and attitudes amongst helping professions. An EU cross-national comparison. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12: 215-225.

James, D.V. (2006). Court diversion in perspective. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 40(6-7):529-38.

James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Meloy, J.R., Pathé, M.T., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L. & Darnley, B. (2007) The Role of Mental Disorder in Attacks on European Politicians 1990-2004. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 116:334–344.

James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Meloy, J.R., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L., Darnley, B. (2008) Attacks on the British Royal Family: the Role of Psychotic Illness. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 36: 59-67.

MacKenzie, R.D., Mullen, P.E., Ogloff, J.R P., McEwan, T. & James, D.V. (2008) Parental Bonding and Adult Attachment Styles in Different Types of Stalker. Journal of Forensic Science, 53(6): 1443-1449.

Mullen, P.E., James, D.V., Meloy, J.R., Pathé, M.T., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L., Darnley, B. & Berman, J. (2009) The Fixated And The Pursuit Of Public Figures. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 20: 33-47.

James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Meloy, J.R., Preston, L.F., Darnley, B., Farnham, F. (2009) Stalkers and Harassers of Royalty: The Role of Mental Illness and Motivation. Psychological Medicine, 39(9):1479-90.

James, D.V., Kerrigan, T., Forfar, R., Farnham, F. & Preston, L. (2010) The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre: preventing harm and facilitating care. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. 21,(4): 521 – 536

James, D.V., McEwan, T.E., MacKenzie, R.D., Meloy, J.R., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Farnham, F., Preston, L.F., Darnley, B. (2010) Persistence in stalking: a comparison of associations in general forensic and public figure samples. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 21, 283-305.

James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Meloy, J.R., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L., Darnley, B. (2010) Stalkers and Harassers of Royalty: an exploration of proxy behaviours for violence. Behavioural Sciences and the Law, DOI: 10.1002/bsl.922

James, D.V. (2010) Protecting the prominent? A research journey with Paul Mullen. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 20(3):242-250.

MacKenzie, R.D., James, D.V., McEwan, T.E., Mullen, P.E. & Ogloff, J.R.P. (2010) Stalkers and Intelligence: implications for treatment. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 21(6 ), 852 – 872.

James, D.V. (2010) Diversion of mentally disordered people from the criminal justice system in England and Wales: an overview. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 33(4):241-8.

James, D.V., Meloy, J.R., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Preston, L.F., Darnley, B., Farnham, F. (2010) Abnormal attentions towards the British Royal Family: factors associated with approach and escalation. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 38:329–40

Meloy, J.R., James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Farnham, F.R., Darnley, B. & Preston, L. (2011) Factors associated with escalation and problematic approaches toward public figures. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 (s1); S128–S135.



Chapman, H., James, D.V. & Unsworth, T. (2001) Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Care and Treatment of JB. London: Brent & Harrow HA.

James, D., Farnham, F., Moorey, H., Lloyd, H., Hill, K., Blizard, R. & Barnes, T.R.E. (2002) Outcome of psychiatric admission through the courts. RDS Occasional Paper No. 79. pp. 132. London: Home Office. ISBN 1 84082 804 8.

James, D.V., Mullen, P.E., Pathé, M.T., Meloy, J.R., Farnham, F.R., Preston, L., Darnley, B. (2006) Inappropriate communications, approaches, and attacks on the British Royal Family with additional consideration of attacks on politicians. London: The Home Office, pp. 308. (Restricted, and therefore unpublished).

Holwill, D., James, D.V. & Chalder, G. (2009) An Independent Inquiry into the care and treatment of RR and AT. NHS London & NHS South East Coast.