Multi-agency Stalking Interventions Program (MASIP) evaluation final report available
The evaluation of the UK MASIP project has been made available by the researchers at University College London. The final report can be accessed from:
MASIP seeks to draw expertise and intelligence across the multi-agency spectrum to inform the risk management process associated with managing stalking cases, and to offer interventions with perpetrators, a subset of which are clinical when appropriate. This final evaluation report presents evidence that speaks to the question: Does the MASIP work? Clearly, ‘working’ can refer to several different outcomes that can be considered indicators of success of a multi-agency initiative of this kind. We therefore test a number of hypotheses that were outlined in our interim report . These hypotheses were designed to test the Effect of the MASIP, by testing specific Mechanisms proposed earlier, as well as testing various Moderator and Implementation conditions that might supposedly have an impact on the Effect. We finally add a new hypothesis to test the Economics dimension to analyse whether the cost-benefit analysis favours the intervention by offering savings to the state and the victim.