Victim Support

The last decade has seen the wide-spread implementation of laws prohibiting stalking. While this has offered protection for many victims, there are still many countries that have yet to introduce legislation specifically addressing stalking. Even in countries where anti-stalking laws do exist, what is afforded criminal status in one jurisdiction may fail to meet the criteria in another (see the Stalking Legislation page for further information). Irrespective of whether the particular behaviour is or is not classified as an offence, it is now widely accepted that being subjected to repeated, unwanted attention can have a potentially devastating effect on the individual who has to live with it for weeks, months or even years.

The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of stalking victimisation and offer general advice to victims and those associated with the victim.   It is not designed as an all-inclusive site for victims or to serve as a substitute for seeking appropriate professional advice. Our intention is to alert people to the potential impact of stalking and offer basic advice regarding some stalking situations.  Ultimately, the emotional and physical safety of any stalking victim is dependent on the measures they put in place to protect themselves and reducing future problems. That includes seeking legal assistance (which may be available even if specific anti-stalking laws do not exist in that area) and utilising the all the supports available, whether that be family, friends, work colleagues, counselling services or psychologists.  There are many resources available to stalking victims. The essential message is that you are not alone in your experience, so don’t ignore the help that is available to you.